Sorma ONE

An optional optical recognition system sorts, weighs, measures fruit diameter and grades colour

The ONE grader uses V belts to channel fruit into a single lane before passing over 2 load cells that individually weigh and sort at speeds of up to 15 pieces per second. Produce is discharged into one of up to 30 individual weight produce drops or into a recycle lane for wrongly positioned fruit.

Particularly suited to citrus fruit, it is accurate to 1g when grading at 15 pieces per second up to 200g in weight.  ONE has an optional optical recognition system that sorts, weighs, measures fruit diameter as well as grade the fruit colour.

ONE at a Glance

  • Speeds up to 15 pieces per second
  • Up to 30 individual weight produce drops
  • Recycle lane for wrongly positioned fruit
  • Optional optical recognition system to sort, weigh, measure diameter and colour grade

Suits: Citrus, Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Mandarins, Oranges

Speed:Up to 15 pieces per second
Outlets:Up to 30 produce drops
Accuracy:1g at 15 pieces per second up to 200g in weight
Recycles:Recycle lane for wrongly positioned fruit

Suits: Citrus, Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Mandarins, Oranges

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